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Low Fat Cooking Methods

September 10, 2020 4:00 pm


Switching to a low fat diet is not just about choosing low fat ingredients. How you prepare your low fat ingredients is equally important. Many healthy dishes may lose its sense of being a “healthy dish” from pantry to the plate, all because of an unhealthy food preparation.

Don’t worry because low fat coking does not mean that you have to possess a very promising cooking skill or invest in highly expensive cookware. With basic cooking techniques, you can easily prepare food in healthy ways.

Use the following methods that require little to no fat, to make the most from your low fat and healthy ingredients and create a meal that the whole family would love.

Try doing some of the above techniques by cooking our easy to cook ulam like Braised Beef , Steamed Chicken and Sinigang na Bangus sa Kamias.


This article contains general information about exercise, fitness, diet, nutrition and related subjects intended for general educational purposes only. The words and other content provided in this material, and in any linked or referenced materials, are not intended and should not be construed as a health, medical, fitness, diet or nutrition advice. Always consult with a licenced physician and/or health workers before beginning any exercise, fitness, diet or nutrition routine especially if the reader is pregnant or having a special medical condition. Information presented herein, are in no way intended to substitute formal and legitimate consultations with your healthcare providers.
The views expressed on this blog and website have no relation to those of any academic or organizations mentioned as reference in this article.


American Heart Association. (n.d). Healthier Cooking Methods. https://www.heart.org/idc/groups/heart-public/@wcm/@fc/documents/downloadable/ucm_465750.pdf.

MayoClinic. (n.d). Healthy-cooking techniques: Boost flavour and cut Calories. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/healthy-cooking/art-20049346

National Health and Medical Research Council: Australian Government. (n.d). Low fat cooking techniques. (https://www.eatforhealth.gov.au/eating-well/tips-eating-well/low-fat-cooking-techniques)


Deborah A. Sales, RND is a licensed nutritionist-dietitian handling the Science Communication Section of AJINOMOTO PHILIPPINES CORPORATION’s Public Relations Department. She is a technical expert in food and health and an experienced Culinary Nutrition spokesperson.