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LOVE BITES: How to Feed a Broken Heart

January 28, 2020 9:00 am


LOVE BITES - How to Feed a Broken Heart

Moving on from a heart break is comparable to cooking as both things involve a process that entails time and energy. It could be an easy or difficult process that may either result to success or failure. Sometimes we make mistakes along the way but that doesn’t mean that you should stop trying. It is also a learning process that could be painful but could help you improve in many ways.

Whether you are preparing gulay recipes or otherwise, cooking could be a worthwhile activity that can help you heal. You can devote your time into cooking to deviate your attention from the pain that lingers. Cooking is also an outlet to vent out your emotions. You can secretly cry while chopping onions, show your anger by tenderizing meat, or cook beef soup to test your patience.

With whatever emotions you’re going through, you can devote your time into cooking and enjoy delicious and healthy recipes that could be an effective way to nurse your broken heart back to health.

COOKMUNITY® by Ajinomoto Philippines picked  out Pinoy ulam recipes that you can try to cook and eat. May they brighten up your gloomy days. Be inspired to make new memories to replace the bad ones and make room for someone better rather than blindly following a hopeless romance. Before you know it, the pain that you feel will be healed and the wounds of your heart will be fixed.

Watch out for more tips on how to feed your broken heart.